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First 5 California partners with the 58 First 5 county commissions to serve California's diverse populations. We work with our statewide partners to ensure our programs are designed to support healthy children who can reach their full potential in school and in life. The county commissions work to achieve the common goals of First 5 California, while also creating their own programs to support the specific needs of local children and families. Working with our county partners is how First 5 California is able to reach a broad spectrum of California families with services specific to their needs.

First 5 California Parents Site

Colorful Birds with Talk. Read. Sing. It changes everything.

A wealth of information and resources may be found on our Parents Site at!

California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC)

What is it?

CalEITC is a California tax credit program established in 2015 by Governor Brown and the California Legislature that puts money directly back in the hands of qualifying low-income families, with or without children, to use for their most immediate needs. CalEITC can increase an overall tax refund, or if taxes are owed, can reduce the taxes owed and possibly provide a refund.

First 5 California is a partner in this public/private partnership on the CalEITC program, along with many other organizations and public entities.


Who qualifies?

California taxpayers who meet specific income and other eligibility criteria qualify for CalEITC. For example, in 2018, a family of three or more making less than $14,161, and meeting all other eligibility criteria qualified.

According to the CalEITC4me website, for the 2018 tax year specifically, individuals may be eligible for the CalEITC if:

  • They have earned income within certain limits (see specific income link), AND
  • They, their spouse, and any qualifying children each have a social security number (SSN), AND
  • They do not use the “married/RDP filing separate” filing status, AND
  • They lived in California for more than half the tax year, AND
  • They must be 18 or older at the end of the tax year

CalEITC4me also has an easy-to-use EITC calculator criteria to help determine eligibility.

From 2015, the first year of the program, through 2017, about 1.1 million Californians have received benefits totaling approximately $600 million dollars with the average benefit received averaging over $500 dollars.

Additional information

CalEITC is a tax benefit separate from the federal EITC, which this program is designed to supplement.

For more specific information and details, visit:

California Franchise Tax Board

Immigrant Family Resources

As federal policy changes and volatility continue to have an impact on California’s children and families, the First 5 California Commission is compelled to provide additional support for all of California’s families, including our immigrant families. To help address some of the stress our immigrant families and their children may currently face, we have gathered resources that can assist affected families on a multitude of immigration and stress/trauma-related topics.

The resources below cover topics that will help families stay strong and intact by knowing their rights, providing contacts for legal services, sharing information on coping skills and activities, and providing a directory of immigration resources.

Dealing With Stress and Trauma
Care Cope Connect

In association with Sesame Street in Communities, the First 5 Association developed a guide with tips and methods for families to discuss and manage the complicated issues affecting the lives of many California families, including family separation, trauma, and other community-based anxieties, such as new immigration policy changes. The guide is available in multiple languages.

Care, Cope, Connect ( Source: First 5 Association )

Other Stress and Trauma Resources Include:
Sesame Street in Communities: Traumatic Experiences Helping Kids Cope With Stress Mental Health Services
Zero to Three: Trauma and Stress
Children Now: Childhood Trauma
Immigration Resources

These links, including the California Courts, provide information and materials that can guide and assist affected individuals and families.

California Courts: Immigration Resource Directory
California Courts: Immigration Legal Help
California Courts: Family Separation Preparation/Help

NOTE: First 5 California does not endorse the agencies listed above. The links are intended as a starting point and are not all-inclusive.